Spanish Association for Digitalization

We are
present for
creating the future

We are

present for

creating the future

DigitalES brings together the leading companies in telecommunications, technology and digital innovation, decisive for the development of digitalization in Spain.

DigitalES represents a strategic sector of the country, committed to social and economic progress through innovation and digital transformation.

DigitalES represents a strategic sector of the country, committed to social and economic progress through innovation and digital transformation.

Our territories of conversation:

the positive impact of technology must be cross-cutting and accessible for all, especially for the most vulnerable. The education and training is essential to generate talent in a sector with a shortage of professionals.

COMPANIES: technology must serve for a business transformation that drives the growth of companies, their sustainability and also their internal processes. As an employer, we are members of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of CEOE, where we participate in more than 20 sectoral committees.

ADMINISTRATION: we are an important ally of public institutions. We collaborate in public policies to promote a regulatory framework to facilitate investment. We work with institutions to design competencies and
training itineraries for employment
or to articulate the
social dialogue
in the labor field of our sector.

sectoral advocacy

Public policies

We are allies and interlocutors of Spanish and European institutions and administrations. Regulatory monitoring in the areas of telecommunications, digital content, sustainability, taxation, privacy and data protection, among others.

sectoral advocacy

Public policies

We are allies and interlocutors of Spanish and European institutions and administrations. Regulatory monitoring in the areas of telecommunications, digital content, sustainability, taxation, privacy and data protection, among others.


Employment and Talent

We identified initiatives focused on strengthening the relationship between the business and academic worlds through projects such as Dual Vocational Training, the involvement of teachers and the creation of a network with guidance counselors and companies.


Employment and Talent

We identified initiatives focused on strengthening the relationship between the business and academic worlds through projects such as Dual Vocational Training, the involvement of teachers and the creation of a network with guidance counselors and companies.

Digital transformation

Technology and business

We provide proposals to encourage the deployment, standardization and safe development of emerging technologies, through activities to highlight best practices and foster demand. The sustainability and accessibility of these technologies are also strategic for this sector.

Digital transformation

Technology and business

We provide proposals to encourage the deployment, standardization and safe development of emerging technologies, through activities to highlight best practices and foster demand. The sustainability and accessibility of these technologies are also strategic for this sector.

Social impact

Future Voices

We promote actions to foster STEAM vocations and the employability of young talent in Spain, in collaboration with the best organizations. Together, we want to give a voice to the professionals of tomorrow. They are our Future Voices.

Social impact

Future Voices

We promote actions to foster STEAM vocations and the employability of young talent in Spain, in collaboration with the best organizations. Together, we want to give a voice to the professionals of tomorrow. They are our Future Voices.

Main Projects

TELCO Agreement

The only labor sector with unified training and job security.

Forming the Future

University micro-credentials. Training for vulnerable groups. Digitalization of classrooms.

Future Voices

Mentoring, talks, workshops for young people, career guidance. Awakening STEAM vocations.

Our partners