
Madrid, September 23, 2021 – A webinar on detecting training needs in companies was held this afternoon. An event organized by the training consultancy Overlap, with the collaboration of FUNDAE and DigitalES.

The timing couldn’t be better: most organizations conduct their training needs assessment exercise during the last quarter of the year, with a view to incorporating these ideas into the training budget and plan for the following year.

This is a critical process for companies. To explain this, the general manager of Overlap in Spain and Portugal, Javier Ruiz del Portal, used a simile where HR managers would be like doctors. ” Our role is to make a good diagnosis, because that will lead to a good treatment,” he said.

On his side, Antonio Rubio, Overlap’s R&D and innovation managing partner, shared with the audience the following practical advice:

1. Decisions are to be based on data, not qualitative assessments or subjective requests.

2. These data will be performance and business indicators, which will have to be correctly identified and weighted beforehand.

3. To this end, it is also very important to anticipate the needs of the business.

4. Data should not only be evaluated once a year, but more frequently, almost in real time.

5. The role of the manager must also adapt to this need for constant evaluation of the performance of his or her teams, in order to be able to propose solutions more quickly.

6. Finally, for the correct processing of all this information, the manager can rely on technology. Just as technology is commonly used in all other parts of the value chain, why not also in HR management?

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Rubio also summarized Overlap’s methodology for the detection of training needs, based on the identification and monitoring of the most significant organizational data and technology management.

During the webinar, the managing director of FUNDAE, Antonio de Luis, also took part, explaining how this public body identifies training needs. And he cited an example, the data processing center sector, which will require 20,000 workers in the next 5 years.

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Related information:

DigitalES – Line of work: Educational system


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