
July 27, 2022.- What will be the European Health Data Space (EEDS)? What will be its governance model and how will it be financed? What benefits will it bring? What is Spain already doing to become a benchmark for digitized healthcare in the EU?

We answer these and other questions in a new paper, published today by DigitalES, which also includes the following final recommendations:

1.- To monitor possible legislative overlaps between the future EEDS Regulation and the rest of the national legal system, especially in the area of data protection.

To accelerate the start-up of the healthcare Data Lake in Spain, which could act as a ‘best practice’ for the rest of the Member States.

3.- Accompany the adoption of the SSDS with concrete, objective and measurable KPIs to monitor the scope of the expected benefits.

To promote a multidisciplinary debate on the legal, cultural, ethical, etc. foundations of health data in Spain.

5.- Ensure harmonization between data environments such as EEDS and the emerging industrial and commercial data strategy in the European Union.

Encourage public-private and multidisciplinary participation in the EEDS governance scheme (e. g., as observers).


> Download the publication here: https://www.digitales.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/EEDS_Espacio-Sanitario-de-Datos-Europeos.pdf


> DigitalES – Line of Work: Digital Transformation

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