
Madrid, August 10, 2021. A total of 16 companies from the telecommunications sector in Spain, including operators, suppliers and installers, have already signed the Telco Training Standard Training Agreement 2021which seeks to improve the safety and health standards of people working in the telecommunications sector.

Through this agreement, eight training courses are being provided, the term of which has been extended – for the time being, at the expense of the evolution of the pandemic – until December 31 of this year.

The agreed training standard includes approved training programs (definition of programs, minimum training content and refresher training), approved training companies and certification systems for companies and training provided.

This agreement, promoted by DigitalES, ensures compliance with current legislation on occupational risk prevention.


> Click here for all the information on the Telco Agreement.

> More practical information for the management of exceptional situations in the companies.


telecommunications training agreement

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