
June 3, 2022.- DigitalES has participated today in the Annual Meeting on Dual Vocational Training of El Español and Invertia. In this already fifth edition of the meeting, which has counted with the collaboration of the Bertelsmann Foundation, the general director of DigitalES, Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, has defended the improvements introduced by the new Law for the Organization and Integration of Vocational Training in relation to flexibility in training.

Calvo-Sotelo recalled that this training modality, and particularly Dual Vocational Training, will be the cornerstone for the training and requalification of professionals to respond to the digital and green transitions. “It is the time for VET,” he said.

The CEO of DigitalES shared the stage with Ignacio de Benito, senior project manager of the Bertelsmann Foundation and head of the Alliance for Dual VET, and Montserrat Civera, iFP academic director of Planeta Formación y Universidades. Both organizations are regular collaborators of DigitalES in the design of new training itineraries, as well as in the continuous training of teachers and the professionalization of the role of the company tutor within the FP Dual projects.

This meeting is part of the initiatives of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training, of which DigitalES has been a member for more than three years. This Alliance is a statewide network made up of companies, associations, educational centers and institutions whose mission is to promote Dual Vocational Training in Spain, which alternates training between the educational center and the company, in which the employee also practices what he or she has learned through work.

Dual Vocational Training

“Usual suspects.”

DigitalES is one of the “usual suspects” at FP forums and events, as the session moderator, Arturo Criado, acknowledged. This is mainly due to the actions of this employer for the promotion of these formations, for example:

1.- Modernization of professional qualifications(together with INCUAL).

2.- Design of specialization courses, masters and new degrees related to ICT.

Implementation of FP Dual training projects in Madrid, Barcelona and Castilla y León, for public and private FP centers.

We contribute to the modernization of the VET classrooms in 850 centers in the country, with the design, together with our partners, of the Applied Technology Classrooms (or ATECA Classrooms). Currently, there are already 200 ATECA Classrooms in operation.

5.- Collaboration with the Ministry of Education with contributions to the new Law for the Organization and Integration of Vocational Training, among other regulatory novelties.

Active participation in public-private forums and spaces, including the aforementioned Alliance for Dual Vocational Training, but also the Alliance for Vocational Training (promoted by the Ministry) or the Government’s Digital Skills Hub.

More information: Education system – Asociación DigitalES

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