
May 23rd, 2022.- This morning a conference was held on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Alliance for Vocational Training, in which DigitalES participates. That is why our general manager, Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, intervened during the event to highlight the commitment of the association and the companies we represent to this type of training.

victor calvo-Sotelo DigitalES victor calvo-Sotelo DigitalES

It is a sector that plays a dual role with respect to digitization training. On the one hand, by collaborating with training institutions for the design of content, providing technological resources for classrooms (the ATECA Classrooms promoted by this Ministry, in whose design DigitalES has collaborated, are an example of this) or openly sharing with citizens the content that these companies generate for their own professionals.

Precisely, Minister Pilar Alegría confirmed today that there are already 200 AtecA classrooms in Spain, out of a total of 850 foreseen in the VET Modernization Plan for the coming years. You can learn more about these classrooms in the following report:

> VET in Spain ‘making good progress’ in the digitalization of its classrooms


On the other hand, the technology sector itself is demanding digital profiles. Seven out of ten vacancies in the sector are not filled, or are very difficult to fill. Most of the vacant positions correspond to very specific and recently created profiles, for which there may not yet be regulated curricula or, if there are, they may not be sufficiently known among the population.

It is important to remember that when we talk about employment in the technology sector, we are not only referring to the professional opportunities for young people, but also to the needs of many professionals and unemployed people in our country for retraining. In Spain we have a very high rate of youth unemployment, but we are also the EU country with the highest rate of long-term unemployment. This is why we need a model that trains and updates people throughout their professional lives.

At DigitalES, we believe that the answer lies in public-private collaboration. Once again, the AtecA Classrooms represent a good example to follow. In addition, we are currently involved in two training projects aimed at generating new professional qualifications or updating existing ones and thus generating the necessary training related to data processing centers and the cloud.

All this, together with a regulatory framework that favors a more flexible VET, will respond to the great challenge we have in Spain to meet the training needs of young and ‘not so young’ people: continuous training or lifelong learning. Getting society and companies to internalize that training must be continuous will be the cornerstone for a more prosperous country.

digital FP digital FP digital FP

Check back to see the day here:

DigitalES is actively working for the modernization of education in Spain. The employers’ association is a founding member of the Sectoral Joint Structure of the digital economy and industry sector, and has built up a wide network of top-level collaborators. The three main areas around which DigitalES develops its activities in the field of education are: training for employment (review of qualifications, Dual Vocational Training, re-skilling, etc.), modernization of the classrooms themselves (AtecA project) and teacher training.


Related information:

> DigitalES – Line of work Educational System

> Breakfast LAS MAÑANAS DEL MAÑANA with Clara Sanz, secretary general of FP (see video)

> Round table: The role of VET in the digital transition and sustainability (watch video).

> Blog DigitalES: 8 VET degrees that can open many doors to the labor market

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