
Madrid, September 22, 2021 – The association of technology companies DigitalES organized this Tuesday an exclusive briefing for associates with two of the top representatives of Red.es. This public company, attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, is the vehicle through which many of the projects related to digitalization of the General State Administration are executed, as well as numerous calls for subsidies for digital transformation.

The objective of the meeting, which took place online, was to learn in more detail about the criteria to apply for the first subsidies under the Recovery Plan, for research and development projects in artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies, and their integration into value chains.

The deadline to apply for these funds is October 8.

Of the 105 million euros allocated to this line of aid, about half (55 million euros) will go to experimental development projects and the other half (50 million euros) to industrial research projects.

Luis Prieto, director of Digital Economy of Red.es, and Ignacio Sánchez, deputy director of Digital Economy of this public entity, answered the questions posed by the associates, aimed both at questions of form and other future lines of support for digitization.

Below, we share the presentation that summarizes the main ideas on the type of eligible projects and the criteria for granting these Red.es subsidies:

Download summary of the call for proposals

More information:

DigitalES – European Funds / Recovery Plan

artificial intelligence aids

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