
September 14, 2022.- We share the data presented today by the Coalición de Creadores e Industrias de Contenidos (Coalition of Content Creators and Industries) on piracy in Spain. The good results of the Protocol for the Reinforcement of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, signed in 2021 with DigitalES and the main network operators, with the essential support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, should be highlighted.

The ‘Observatory of piracy and consumption habits of digital content 2022’, prepared by GfK for The Coalition, was presented this morning at the National Archaeological Museum in the presence of Minister Miquel Iceta and various representatives of the cultural sector.

> Go to the news: http://lacoalicion.es/2022/09/14/la-pirateria-digital-registra-un-descenso-acumulado-del-20-desde-2018/

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