
October 4, 2022.- This morning an informative meeting organized by the newspaper El Mundo (Unidad Editorial) took place in Madrid, led by the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and attended by the CEO of DigitalES, Víctor Calvo-Sotelo.

During his speech, Garamendi addressed many of the issues on the political and economic agenda of the week, to finally emphasize the importance of training as a basis and transversal lever for the Spain of the future. He stressed that training should be oriented to the skills demanded by companies and thus be able to reverse the gaps between labor supply and demand suffered by some productive sectors.

In the ICT sector, DigitalES estimates that there are more than 120,000 professional vacanciesThe company proposes a series of actions to promote vocations; to improve people’s employability; to expand, make training more flexible and specialized; and to strengthen professional guidance in Spain.


Related information:

> DigitalES at CEOE


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