
Madrid, September 24, 2021.

The CEO of DigitalES, Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, has been part of the jury of the second edition of the Pioneras IT 2021 awards of the COIT-AEIT. The award ceremony took place last night in Madrid. From our association, we would like to reiterate our congratulations to the winner, Inmaculada Sánchez Ramos, as well as to the Colegio Oficial Ingenieros Telecomunicación for the initiative.

“To be a pioneer is to have a look towards what is new, with determination, with that strength that comes from within and drives you to do what you believe in. Innovation and entrepreneurship are fundamental,” said Sánchez Ramos, who received the award from the winner of the 2020 edition, María Jesús Prieto-Laffarge.

DigitalES, the Spanish Association for Digitalization, is an employers’ association committed to boosting enrollment in engineering and, more generally, the number of qualified professionals for the digital economy. In this regard, it has recently launched the non-profit initiative Generation A, to raise awareness of the important work carried out by many professionals in member companies. More than 40 women have already participated in this initiative, whose kick-off was DigitalES Summit 2021, and which will continue to grow and spread in the coming months.


Related information:

> DigitalES – Generation A

> Report: ‘Women in the digital economy’.


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