
July 26th, 2022.- The Work Line of Occupational Risk Prevention of DigitalES has developed a web space that brings together the most relevant C.A.E. (Coordination of Business Activities) information for the ‘telco’ sector.

At DigitalES, we are working to standardize a C.A.E. procedure that will help us to improve administrative and documentary management, and to obtain a single sector vision towards contractors and clients.

The purpose of the new page is to inform about the compliance of the C.A.E. duty that, in terms of Occupational Risk Prevention, is established in Art. 24 of the Law, developed in R.D. 171/2004, as well as R.D. 1627/1997 for construction site tasks, by which we must govern the exchange of prevention information.

> Go to the C.A.E. page.


> DigitalES – PRL line of work


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