
Madrid, October 8, 2021 – The Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas; the director of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation of the CDTI, Pilar González GotorThe MEP Eva KailiShe is the CEO of Cyber&Cloud at Telefónica Tech, Maria Jesus Almanzorand the director of the Deloitte European Center for Recovery & Resilience, Enrique Gutierrezmoderated by the general director of DigitalES, Victor Calvo-SoteloThe two companies agreed today on the importance of public-private collaboration for the successful implementation of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

European Next Generation funds and digitalization

The round table, entitled “Shaping a digital and sustainable future for Europe” and held as part of the BNEW congress held these days by Consorci Zona Franca Barcelona, has left us with other important and hopeful ideas:

> Artigas: “Spain has the most ambitious digitalization plan in the EU, which will involve structural reforms in the economic model”.

> Gutiérrez: “The Recovery Plan is ambitious in the investments and reforms it commits to, but it is complex to implement. Spain has competitive advantages on which we can rely”.

> Almanzor: “We are ready to be a benchmark in Europe. Connectivity gives us a very advantageous starting position, but to achieve this we must maintain and retain the talent we have”.

> Kaili: “Europe can lead the way forward in areas such as artificial intelligence, even beyond EU borders. Just as we have done in the area of data protection, Europe can set the minimum ethical standards governing AI in the future.”

> González Gotor: “Digitalization and innovation are not separate from sustainability [medioambiental], that is why the lines of aid we manage also take this aspect into account”.

European Next Generation funds and digitalization

European Next Generation funds and digitalization

Related information:

> DigitalES – Line of work Transformation Plan/ European Funds

> Ursula Von der Leyen’s plan for strengthening the Digital Single Market

> DigitalES in Europe


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