
October 19, 2022. The general manager of DigitalES, Victor Calvo-Sotelotoday participated in the ENISE (International Meeting on Information Security) congress, organized by INCIBE (National Institute of Cybersecurity). ENISE is an unmissable event in the national and international cybersecurity agenda, becoming year after year a key meeting point for the industry of a sector in constant growth.

Calvo-Sotelo took part in a round table discussion on the challenges of digital transformation together with Elena Díaz – Alejo Rodríguez, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications of Samsung; Francisco Hortigüela, general director of Ametic; moderated by Carla Redondo, general secretary of INCIBE. A round table that provided reflections on how to overcome people’s natural resistance to change, which psychiatrist and writer Elisabeth Kübler Ross postulates as follows:

Cybersecurity in SMEs

One of the major themes of the session was the importance of carrying out a digital transformation process with cybersecurity. Undertaking a robust and seamless digital transformation necessarily implies having an accompanying cybersecurity strategy.

Therefore, from DigitalES we propose that, in order to bring cybersecurity to the transformation of the industry, it is important to assimilate it as a crucial element of competitiveness. To involve SMEs in this process, it will be necessary to find ways to involve them in the digital transformation process with sufficient guarantees.

In the legislative sphere, the public sector can promote the measures that the different agents in our country must comply with in order to promote security, taking into account the experience and development already carried out by the private sector.

cybersecurity cybersecurity cybersecurity

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