
Madrid, September 14, 2021 – “Digitalízate” is a free training program in digital skills organized by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and the State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE), together with large companies from different sectors.

It is not necessary to be unemployed or on ERTE to access the courses. They can also be accessed by active workers in order to continue acquiring competencies and skills adapted to their work environment.

Most of the resources are focused on the digital skills provided by the technology sector itself. Not surprisingly, the “Digitalízate” initiative was conceived in the offices of DigitalES, the Spanish Association for Digitalization. It was in 2019, during a day organized at the headquarters of DigitalES, where five technology companies pledged to join forces and make their knowledge and background available to all citizens.

The main objective of “Digitalízate” is to reduce the digital divide, boost access to employment, modernize the productive fabric and collaborate in the transformation of companies.

There are already new DigitalES associated companies that have joined the Digitalízate platform, providing content and audiovisual material on digital competencies. They are Adams, Cisco, Everis, Fujitsu, Fundación Telefónica, Huawei, IBM, Orange and , as of last week, VMware.

In total, SEPE and FUNDAE have already signed 36 collaboration agreements with large companies, which provide more than one thousand training resources. In its launching, just over a year ago, “Digitalízate” has exceeded three and a half million visits.

A success story, recognized in March by the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES), that has been possible thanks to public-private collaboration and the commitment of some of the leading organizations in digitization.


> Access to the “Digitalízate” platform


More information:

> DigitalES – Line of work: Educational system

> White Paper: The challenge of STEM vocations

> Post – Digitalízate Selection: 9 courses to update your digital skills this summer


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