
Madrid, October 25, 2021 – This morning took place the event to present the results of the 2020 Observatory of piracy and digital content consumption habits. The event was attended by the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, and the Director General of Cultural Industries, Adriana Moscoso, and the DigitalES association, representing the technology industry in Spain, was invited to attend.

In his speech, the minister highlighted the agreement for a Protocol for the Strengthening of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, signed in April by Internet access operators and the Coalition of Creators. This is a new intersectoral self-regulation mechanism, with the collaboration of the Public Administration, to improve the effectiveness of judicial and administrative resolutions authorized by the courts with respect to online pages that infringe rights. Since its launch on April 8, more than 100 infringing domains, more than 300 subdomains and hundreds of thousands of infringing URLs that illegally linked to content protected by intellectual property rights have been directly addressed, allowing their suspension or blocking.

This Protocol, sponsored by DigitalES, allows for more agile closure of infringing domains derived from judicial and administrative rulings. It is an example of how the main Internet access operators in Spain are committed to the protection of intellectual property rights, working and making available technical and personal resources so that, on a weekly basis, these infringing domains can be removed.

DigitalES advocates harmonization of copyright protection regulations throughout Europe and, in view of the forthcoming transposition of the DAMUD Directive, we request that technical criteria and blocking procedures be specified and unified as much as possible.


Related information:

DigitalES – Digital Content Regulation Working Line

Six DigitalES contributions on the transposition of the ‘Copyright Directive’.


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