
Madrid, September 27, 2021 – Last Friday a virtual meeting took place with Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, CEO of DigitalES, organized by the Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers of Madrid (AEITM). During the session, which lasted about an hour, the secretary of the AEITM, Victor Valle, asked Calvo-Sotelo questions about the Next Generation EU funds, the challenge of digital training, geostrategy and the business prospects of telecommunications companies.

Calvo-Sotelo defended the quality and social commitment of the technology industry in our country, as well as the strategic nature of sectors such as data centers, key elements for turning Spain into an international communications hub. “When we talk about the size of a data center, we are not talking about megabytes but megawatts. What defines the size of a data center is the power it consumes,” he recalled, alluding to the convenience of extending the legal consideration of electro-intensive activity to these infrastructures.

Calvo-Sotelo also cited some of the most important initiatives on which the DigitalES employers’ association is working. In particular, he highlighted the work being done by the Association to help companies participate in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.


Related information:

> DigitalES, awarded by the Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers of Madrid


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