The president of the PP, Pablo Casado, has been the first guest of DigitalES to meet with the main technology companies in Spain. The leader of the Partido Popular shared with the attendees his vision of digital transformation from the perspective of public and government policies. “I want Spain to be the Silicon Valley of Europe,” said Casado during his speech.
These meetings are part of the Public Affairs and Political Engagement strategy of DigitalES , and continue to be held at the ones held last year with the candidates of the different parties in the past elections, such as Pilar del Castillo and Susana Solís, candidates for the European Parliament for Ciudadanos and PP, or the local candidates for the Madrid City Council: Begoña Villacís for Ciudadanos, Mercedes González, for PSOE, Jose Luis Martínez Almeida for PP, and Luis Cueto for Más Madrid. We also received the then congressional candidates Marcos de Quinto, from Cs, Inés Sabanés from Más País; and Rafael Simancas from PSOE.

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