
Madrid, December 2, 2021. This morning took place the first Spain Digital Day, through which the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation seeks to take stock of where we are and what challenges lie ahead in fulfilling the Spain Digital 2025 agenda.

The event has had a double participation in this day, first in the round table on public-private collaboration in infrastructure, by Carmen Sanchez, Director of Regulation and Public Administrations of DigitalES; and again at the table on how to measure the impact of the digital economy, where Eduardo Serra, President of DigitalES, has intervened.

It has been an intense and very complete day, where both the public and private sectors have presented a multitude of constructive ideas.

On behalf of DigitalES, Eduardo Serra has reflected on the urgency of covering the deficit of digital professionals that exists in our country. Carmen Sánchez, for her part, highlighted the value of the Government’s strategic plans for digital transformation, as well as the political consensus, strong private investment and public support that have made it possible for Spain to become an international benchmark in connectivity.

RTVE rate audiovisual law

As an aspect to be improved, Carmen Sánchez has mentioned the delay foreseen for the entry into force of the new financing model for RTVE, within the General Audiovisual Communication Law, at a particularly difficult and demanding time for the telecommunications operators.

RTVE rate audiovisual law

DigitalES has prepared a statement in this regard, which can be downloaded here:

> https://www.digitales.es/nota-de-prensa/digitales-pide-el-cumplimiento-de-los-compromisos-adquiridos-por-el-gobierno-en-la-ley-audiovisual-eliminando-la-tasa-rtve/


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