
Madrid, October 22, 2021 – Why if Artificial Intelligence (AI) is so powerful, its adoption is not? Why are there sectors where its use is widely implemented and others not so much? Are we overestimating the capabilities of AI? These were the basic questions that kicked off the latest DigitalES breakfast LAS MAÑANAS DEL MAÑANA, held this morning, with AI expert Javier Fernández Castañón.

artificial intelligence

This young technologist has shared experiences on the challenges and limits faced, in practice, by the adoption of AI models in companies. Most of these challenges have less to do with the technology than with the weaknesses of the people who develop and manage these tools.

Fernández Castañón, who co-leads the health area of the OdiseIA observatory.He also answered questions raised by the audience related to the explainability of algorithms, traceability, data quality and its impact on the robustness of systems, and the impact of AI on employment, and defended the positive contribution of the current GDPR regulation on the protection of personal data. “GDPR is one of the most comprehensive regulations in terms of e.g. data anonymity,” he emphasized.

Click here to watch this breakfast again (video)


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