
  • The European Commission vice-president has highlighted Spain will dedicate 28% of the funding from Next Generation EU to digital transformation
  • “There is no going back to the world as we knew it before” -she remarked at DigitalES Summit 2021, Spain’s most relevant annual event on digitalization
  • Margrethe Vestager has also pointed out Spain’s good performance on digital public services, and its “excellent” fibre optic communications

Madrid, 9th July 2021.- European Commission executive vice-president and commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, has opened today’s DigitalES Summit 2021 congress, the most relevant annual event for the digital transformation sector in Spain. In her speech, she has expressed her support for the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. She has highlighted that Spain plans to allocate 28% of the financing it will receive from the Next Generation EU mechanism to the country’s digital transformation, well above 20% minimum required for member states. “This shows the seriousness and ambition that you are giving to digitization”, she asserted.

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