
October 6, 2022.- The CEO of DigitalES, Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, has participated this morning in a first level round table on digitalization, within the BNEW congress that is being held these days in Barcelona.

Calvo-Sotelo was joined on the panel by other great authoritative voices, such as Salvador EstevanDirector General of the Secretary of State for Digitalization and AI; José Luis BonetPresident of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce; Pedro MierAmetic’s president; Christian Hockenone of the fathers of “Industry 4.0”; and moderated by Pere NavarroPresident of Consorci Zona Franca Barcelona.

One of the topics discussed by all of them is the Digital Kit program, which supports the digitalization of SMEs in Spain. The high level of interest shown by SMEs in this program is in itself a success, as Bonet reiterated. For Estevan, this success is the result of the learning that the Administration has obtained thanks to public-private collaboration. For Mier, another factor that explains the good reception of the Digital Kit is the capacity of the managers who have articulated it from institutions such as Red.es and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

However, as Mier emphasized, the aim is not the execution of European funds, but the transformation of the productive fabric. In this regard, Calvo-Sotelo has positioned himself, who has placed high expectations on the combination of this program -which finances the purchase of technological solutions with vouchers of up to 12,000 euros- with public policies for training in ICT skills and advice on digital transformation.

“The Digital Kit has been, in itself, an innovative program. But the strongest transformation will come from combining it with training programs,” said the CEO of DigitalES. From this association, we also promote actions to encourage the tractor effect of large companies on SMEs.

“Digitalization is not the answer to all socio-economic challenges, but it can certainly make a very important contribution,” Hocken stressed. “The good news,” concluded Navarro, “is that there is now an interest among SMEs in going digital. Now there is interest in making things happen”.

Related information:

> DigitalES – Digital Transformation – SMEs


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