Thanks to this agreement, unique in Europe and a pioneer in Spain, the training and qualification of an entire professional sector is unified.
The Telco Agreement standard includes approved training programs (definition of programs, minimum training content and recycling), training companies and certification systems for companies and training provided.
The union of the sector’s value chain allows us to have better trained, more efficient and safer workers.

Certificates of homologation: DEADLINE EXTENSION
As of July 1, 2024, new approvals or renewals of approval certificates to teach the TELCO standard will be carried out every 3 years.
From that date onwards, the verification procedure established shall be identical to that described in the initial approval document.
DigitalES reserves the right to modify this situation at any time.

“TheTELCO agreement hides a spirit of improvement of ORP legislation, with a proactive character. I wish there were many more initiatives like this one”
Carlos Arranz Cordero
Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (INSTT)

“The greatness of the TELCO agreement lies in the fact that it is a great alliance of the technology industry to achieve maximum excellence. You have achieved theoretical and practical training of real and certified quality.”
Marina Parra Rudilla
Director General of Labor of the Community of Madrid

“The telecommunications sector has always been concerned about being ahead in all areas and processes. The Telco 2021 agreement is the best example of this.”
Victor Calvo-Sotelo
General Manager of DigitalES, Association