Definition of C.A.E

A set of procedures that must be in place for a given job to be performed safely or for us to be able to control the risk, in this case, associated with telecommunications installation and maintenance tasks.

From DigitalES, with the collaboration of our associates, we propose a homogenized C.A.E. procedure that helps to improve the administrative and documentary management, and to obtain a unique vision of the sector towards contractors and clients.

The purpose of this page is to inform about the fulfillment of the C.A.E.’s duty regarding Occupational Risk Prevention established in Art. 24 of the Law, developed in R.D. 171/2004, as well as in R.D. 1627/1997 for construction site tasks.

Who’s who in C.A.E. telecommunications

Land owner


Infrastructure operator


Network access operator


Exchange of information with the company where the telco infrastructure is located (C.A.E. of non-own activity).

Exchange of information with the company contracting the telco service (C.A.E. of own activity).

Infrastructure operator


Network access operator


Manufacturers and installers

(Operator’s customers)

C.A.E. leasing

C.A.E of service provider

C.A.E. of third party service provider

Content structure C.A.E.

C.A.E. Documentation